11 years ago
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11 years ago
Friends I have come across one of the most funniest pictures in the world in 2013.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10897]}
Devyani, actually when you think of it , it is sad ! The poor cat has fallen half into the fish bowl and fish is biting its tail, so one can imagine what the plight of the cat is !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
Friends I have come across one of the most funniest pictures in the world in 2013.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10897]}
Devyani, actually when you think of it , it is sad ! The poor cat has fallen half into the fish bowl and fish is biting its tail, so one can imagine what the plight of the cat is !
Poor cat !!! scared by its own prey.
11 years ago
Or maybe its the other way round and the cat is actually trying to somehow bring the fish out the bowl by using its tail as a bait :laugh:
11 years ago
Friends I have come across one of the most funniest pictures in the world in 2013.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10897]}
Devyani, actually when you think of it , it is sad ! The poor cat has fallen half into the fish bowl and fish is biting its tail, so one can imagine what the plight of the cat is !
Cat is thinking about rat. Aas Aya Hai Unth Phar Ke Nichey.
11 years ago
hahaha..cat wanted to eat fish and ultimately she became prey of fish. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
11 years ago
Or maybe its the other way round and the cat is actually trying to somehow bring the fish out the bowl by using its tail as a bait :laugh:
If that's the plan of the cat, I hail the smartness of the cat.
11 years ago
Friends I have come across one of the most funniest pictures in the world in 2013.In my child hood, a cat put her head inside milk cane, and after drinking all the milk, she failed to remove her head, it seems cats have limited knowledge.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10897]}
11 years ago
Friends I have come across one of the most funniest pictures in the world in 2013.In my child hood, a cat put her head inside milk cane, and after drinking all the milk, she failed to remove her head, it seems cats have limited knowledge.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 10897]}
Yes compared to dogs, cats have limited knowledge. Another characteristic of cats is they sleep more. That's why dogs are preferred to keep a watch on the houses. Not cats.
11 years ago
Or maybe its the other way round and the cat is actually trying to somehow bring the fish out the bowl by using its tail as a bait :laugh:
Yes you are right it all depends how other think about this. It might be possible that cat is going to celebrate party . After all cat is able to take fish out of the bowl.
11 years ago
Or maybe its the other way round and the cat is actually trying to somehow bring the fish out the bowl by using its tail as a bait :laugh:
Yes you are right it all depends how other think about this. It might be possible that cat is going to celebrate party . After all cat is able to take fish out of the bowl.
It can be assumed either way. From the responses we can see how different members interpret in different ways from the same picture. It's all about perception.
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