12 years ago
Meera sandhu
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
I some times saw others' palm and also showed them as we knew something about palm lines. This was just fun and not real. I would not show to real palmist.
I remember that once a palmist came to my uncle's home in Delhi. I was there during vacation. The palmist saw palms of many. He asked me to show my palm also.But I said that this is useless as palmistry does not matter to me. He boasted that Pt Nehru had also shown him his palm. But I straight way said this was unbelievable as Pt Nehru was of scientific bent of mind and he would never show his palm to palmist. Then the palmist had nothing to say.
Actually the palmists, the so called palmists are only good at guess work and try to tukkafy, nothing else.
Actually the palmists, the so called palmists are only good at guess work and try to tukkafy, nothing else.
Actually the palmists, the so called palmists are only good at guess work and try to tukkafy, nothing else.
And people get happy when the palmist talk in their favor. :laugh:
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