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13 years ago
Do you trust strangers easily ?
Not at all...
Actually, I take time to know a person.....
Some persons...we can know their character easily.....but the main category, it's sure, persons of unpredictable character.
I make friendship with a person only if I like him.
And that is what everyone should do. :blink: :blink:
one cannot trust a stranger directly he/she should take some time to do it. :blink:
There are many people who can fetch some internal things, some secrets which should not be revealed, so we should be very careful.
That depends on their talent and our resistance. :laugh:
Those who are fools, get caught in few people hands.
Want to make each day Accountable
13 years ago
I agree emotional fools are more prone to those people. :blink:
13 years ago
I agree emotional fools are more prone to those people. :blink:
Exactly. ;)
Want to make each day Accountable
13 years ago
I agree emotional fools are more prone to those people. :blink:
Exactly. ;)
I never get too emotional because i know its not good to be except for being sad. :blink:
13 years ago
I agree emotional fools are more prone to those people. :blink:
Exactly. ;)
I never get too emotional because i know its not good to be except for being sad. :blink:
I used to become emotional before, when some talks become emotional. but now i have become strong.
Want to make each day Accountable
13 years ago
Being emotional does not mean that only weaker persons are emotional. being too open is not good unless one is not sure. Emotional people are generally honest as such.
13 years ago
Yes I trust people easily... Many times I got cheated also. .. People take advantage of your trust and they start using you for their vested interests.
Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
13 years ago
Yes I trust people easily... Many times I got cheated also. .. People take advantage of your trust and they start using you for their vested interests.
I agree with that ! In fact even being polite and trying to be helpful too is not appreciated here.I see that when I open the door in shops or some public places to help either old people or ladies with children to pass , there are at least a couple of others who rush in and in all likelihood the person who you tried to help too may just walk off as if it is their birth right without a smile or a nod ... :huh:
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
13 years ago
Yes I trust people easily... Many times I got cheated also. .. People take advantage of your trust and they start using you for their vested interests.
I agree with that ! In fact even being polite and trying to be helpful too is not appreciated here.I see that when I open the door in shops or some public places to help either old people or ladies with children to pass , there are at least a couple of others who rush in and in all likelihood the person who you tried to help too may just walk off as if it is their birth right without a smile or a nod ... :huh:
You forgot to mention that they never even bother to say 'thank you' :lol:
13 years ago
Trusting other in a easy way in not possible for me.When a person is not aware of me.Even on known person i cannot trust easily............
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