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There are no mistakes,no coincidences.All events are blessings given to us to learn from.

Every advance in knowledge brings us face to face with the mystery of our own being.

Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are,and doing things as they ought to be done.

Until this moment,I never understood how hard it was to lose something you never had.

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.
One helps you make a living,
the other helps you make a life.

When your heart begins to desire another person's happiness,
this isn't some trifling amusement,this is true love.

Wisdom is knowing what to do next,skill is knowing how to do it,and virtue is doing it.

There are always three speeches,
for every one you actually gave.
The one you practiced,
The one you gave,
And the one you wish you gave.

To love is nothing,
To be loved is something,
To love and be loved is everything.

"Successful teachers are effective in spite of the psychological theories they suffer under".

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