is there any eligibility required to work on boddunan.
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You have registered on Boddunan that is your eligibility for working on Boddunan

Harish Jharia
but there may be some requirement like age, qualification etc. if person work age below 15 year should boddunan deliver cheque for them.
I think you can get payment on the name of your father...

Boddunan support team may please clarify...

Harish Jharia
What type of work you are asking?
do you want to earn for your self or do you want to join Boddunan team as moderator/Editor
There is no prescribe qualification for registration as a user. However, a user should be fairly coversant with English, Hindi or Telgu, languages of the site. The min activities are reading, commenting and writing aricles. Thus working knowlege of language is definitely reqired. Proficieny in language skill will be of utmost use in earning cash and points.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I remember this topic was discussed earlier and there are many legal issues involved in it. Presently we are allowing only members with the age of 18 or above.

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