I am a BSNL customer of Mobile services and my uncle is a distributor of products of the company. But I am very dissatisfied with their services. Its network is very bad and often says out of reach. Do you think it should be handed over to the private sector or shut down?
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I think some weeks back we had a discussion about the same topic.
Comapared to other service providers it is very economical for middle income group due to it plans but the service is really very bad..i think we cannt vote for shutting it down as it is public sector organization..we can expect some improvements in it speed and customer support.. :)
Just avoid using the service of such service provider or keep making effective complaints to the respective department with continous followup till the complaint is sorted out.

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You gave a wide choice of mobile phone companies and you may change your company. BSNL is providing services to many remote interior places various other companies will not enter. If you hand over BSNL to private, the rural people especially those in far interior, will be deprived of services as private companies seek only profit and not concerned with social responsibility.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We have had a discussion on it some weeks back and I emphasised that what ails BSNL is gross mismanagement of its affairs!
I don't think so.Sometimes it is irritating.But there is no hidden agenda to them , I think.

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i think bsnl customer support is the main cause for their downfall.I feel the the service improves..
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