Do you think there should be censorship over entertainment in India. I think it should be done to save our culture from exploitation through emotional attyachar or others. What's your opinion?
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I forgot to mention that I hate serials and reality shows and I hate those who watch them. If you want some recreation, watch National Geographic Channel or Discovery Channel. Why go for those programs that make you lose your mind?
It all depends on Individual taste.Let us appoint Bal thackery as the leader of the censorship committee.Except film title all other clips would be censored. :P :P
Agreed nagalakshmi it all depends on individual tastes....

Well many oldies and youngsters too watch reality shows as well as serials.... So how many people will aman hate?
the debate and struggle over censorship of programming will more or less improve content

I mean to say why waste time over such foolish programs when you are equipped with so many work to do. They are addictive and I myself have felt this in my family. My sister, who is just a college going girl, she comes home after 3pm and then she watches serials from 10pm to 12.30pm. Do you think this is good? Serials increase the darkness of ignorance in minds. Once you become addictive, you start ignoring your duties. One comes to know its ill-effects after feeling its consequences in one's own family life. In my case, though it has increased my hatred for them, it has also helped me gain Vairagya more easily. Thanks to God.
I mean to say why waste time over such foolish programs when you are equipped with so many work to do. They are addictive and I myself have felt this in my family. My sister, who is just a college going girl, she comes home after 3pm and then she watches serials from 10pm to 12.30pm. Do you think this is good? Serials increase the darkness of ignorance in minds. Once you become addictive, you start ignoring your duties. One comes to know its ill-effects after feeling its consequences in one's own family life. In my case, though it has increased my hatred for them, it has also helped me gain Vairagya more easily. Thanks to God.
First let be clear about what is entertainment.Every individual should have a choice.What is entertainment to me may not be so to others.Censorship in India has not produced the desired results and in some cases proved counter-productive!
People have the choice to entertain themselves in any manner that does not interfere with others. There is already censor board that ensures that offensive and harmful or unlawful content is excluded. In a democratic set up, thee cannot be undue censor.

I also dislike the so called reality shows on TV. But many like these. I cannot interfere with their choice. They can also not thrust their choice on me. Better be liberal and allow everyone to make own choice. If anyone seeks your views, you may express but not thrust upon.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That's true,Gulshan! We need not be judgemental on this issue!
Well i too agree with Gulshan and Chinmoy opinion and just want to say too much concern is not necessary. :)
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