14 years ago
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14 years ago
I think the RTE is one of the most important legislations ever introduced by India. It's effect is not just on the current population, but will have far reaching consequences on the very development of India.
There can be only one answer as to whether it's good for students. Regardless of which strata of society they come from, the RTE can only be beneficial to students.
The real question to be answered is, how well can it be implemented?
There can be only one answer as to whether it's good for students. Regardless of which strata of society they come from, the RTE can only be beneficial to students.
The real question to be answered is, how well can it be implemented?
14 years ago
Education is an act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical potential of an individual. A vital element to balance the societal factors, education contributes to the economic development of a country. Countries without educated population cannot foresee and implement the best policies necessary for the growth of an otherwise developing country.
14 years ago
To my mind the recoginition of this right as a fundamental one should go a long way in spreading education in our country which has been neglected for decades.But mere legislative measure would be of no help in furthering the cause of it.I fail to understand why it took so many decades for the powers that be to fully comprehend the importance of it which reflects very poorly on our list of priorties.A cursory glance at the plan allocation for education would make it painfully clear that it always figured very low down the order of priorities.If the recent attempt to make it compulsory marks a welcome departure from the past mindset,everybody should be pleased about it.But once again I would emphasize sincerity to be a core element to make this radical move a success.
14 years ago
it should ba an compulsary act to every one who was belo 18 years of old in india.........
14 years ago
Many of our problems like overpopulation,illiteracy,social injustice and even corruption all stem from lack of education and we ought to have accorded the highest importance to education keeping in mind its role in building a strong and progressive country.But in our lop-sided appraoch to the issue of development,its role was underestimated and we have been made to pay a heavy price in social terms!
14 years ago
Yes,Education is the birth right of every citizen.No matter what the medium of teaching is, education is a must. :) :)
14 years ago
Had our government paid adequate attention to it since Independence we could have averted so many problems!
14 years ago
What do you think are the main problems the government is going to face while trying to implement this? Apart from infrastructure and finances...
14 years ago
Surely there is social aspect to it! Most of our school drop-outs belong to the very poor section of our society and they are forced leave it because of economic compulsion on the part of their parents.So,the government has to ensure right motivational programmes and economic incentives to promote continuation of education.
14 years ago
Can somebody briefly and comprehensively list the regulations contained in RTE? If a very poor child claims to get admission to a posh school ,is the school bound to accomodate him/her?
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