As far as overpopulation is concerned it is the biggest problem of human life. Many prolems are creating due to overpopulation. Due to overpopulation we need more resources to fulfill needs of peoples living on the earth. But as we know we can not deny this truth that we have limited resources, and we have to save it for our next generation too. We have limited drinkable water so we should save water but as we have high popualtion due to which we need more water, food and etc. Due to overpopulation we need more things to use and due to which pollution is also the biggest problem creating due to it to make things for us. Due to overpopulation we make too much pollution which is not good. As in this lockdown there is the lowest pollution. As we use cars, bikes, buses, etc to travell and and there is lots of other things which is used by us which is harmfull for our environment which is due to overpopulation.

Escaping poverty is not just a fundamental human right but a vital way to bring birth rates down. Decreasing child mortality, improving education and providing people with economic opportunities all help to reduce fertility and population growth. Planting more and more trees. These are some ways to overcome these problems.
We know Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg. Who is a Swedish environmental activist gained international recognition for promoting the view that humanity is facing an existential crisis arising from climate change. As she is from Sweden, and you should know in sweden there us too much pollution.