
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. (source: wikipedia)
  • ASPIRIN tablets can remove acne and pimples problems, know it's all benefits

    Sometimes, being exposed to dust for a long time, causes dirt on our skin, causing pimples and acne on our skin. Many girls use a lot of beauty products to overcome these problems, but using these beauty

  • Diwali,a festival of light is a celebrated in India in season of starting winter. It is very popular Hindu festival known for lightning,fire cracking and sweet sharing festivity. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm in Hindus and also in other religious

  • India and France have signed Mobilise Your City agreement. According to this agreement France will support India with 3.5 million Euros to help reduce carbon emissions from the transport vehicles.  Under this agreement India will try to bring green vehicles for transportation with cities.

  • Mother Nature Defilement


    The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the

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  • Today, on 5th June, is world environment day. It is our collective responsibility between Govt. and citizens and as son of mother earth to not harm the nature and protect the environment by keeping it green and clean.

    In 21st century, the biggest challenge in terms of pollution and

  • As far as overpopulation is concerned it is the biggest problem of human life. Many prolems are creating due to overpopulation. Due to overpopulation we need more resources to fulfill needs of peoples

  • The term ‘pollution’ till recent past was a localised phenomenon. It implied shabby living, filthy habits. But today the term has gained a wider significance and perspective and it is due to science. Now expressions like water, air and sound pollutions have gained currency. Those embodied in

  • Sāṣṭāṅga:

    Lay down on your belly

    Touch 8 point of your body to the ground-

  • With over 2.5 billion dynamic clients in 190 nations, Android is the most famous working framework on the planet. Since its origin, Android has filled in prevalence many years. Through its prominence in arising countries, Android has kept on growing at an incredible rate in India. The

  • Developed countries such as USA are already using Bio Fuels in Airplane and now India is going to become first developing country to experiment bio fuel in Airplane. As we all know Bio Fuels will help in reducing pollution caused by fossil fuels. What is your opinion on this recent
