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10 years ago
What tips would the thread starter give to prevent these?
I would be happy if members gave their own tips since I started the discussion with that intention , as for me I would say that remaining active is the one time tested solution for all ailments including heart related ones...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
10 years ago
No stress, balanced food, happy married life, morning jogging or walking acc to dr., last not the least preventive health care and no heart fault since birth.
Thank you said by: usha manohar, Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
10 years ago
Indulging in any activity that you are good at. Let there be no idle moments. Restrict to vegetables. And an occasional meal with fish. Yoga or light physical exercise will keep the heart related ailments at bay.
Exercise.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
10 years ago
Indulging in any activity that you are good at. Let there be no idle moments. Restrict to vegetables. And an occasional meal with fish. Yoga or light physical exercise will keep the heart related ailments at bay.
Earler people were mobile all the time just doing their daily routine since they depended on their own selves instead of gadgets and it kept them healthy and in shape.But today our lifestyle has become so luxurious that there is hardly any activity involved unless we make a conscious effort at it...Computer and internet has only added on to the already lax lifestyle.So, we have to make time for physical activity and set aside some time for this on a daily basis...I see some adults spending nothing less than 4 -5 hours continuously in front of the comp , instead if they take a break of 15 mins and moved around and did some physical activity once every hour, I am sure they would have immense health benefits!
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Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
10 years ago
This is another example to stress on the importance of movement of the body organs in some way or other. Those who lead Sedentary life will become the victims of many ailments. The same has been highlighted in 'Yoga Sastra' by patanjali. In yoga there are a set of Asanas which can be done by sitting in the chair. This Pictograph is very useful.
10 years ago
These pictures explain very well that the words. I studied high schools in biology group. Even I don't know these differences. thank you for saying these valuable informations.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
10 years ago
These pictures explain very well that the words. I studied high schools in biology group. Even I don't know these differences. thank you for saying these valuable informations.
Pictures penetrate in to the mind easily. They make us understand the subject clearly than thousand words.
10 years ago
With increased heart attacks the more we know about this ailment the better for us.Prevention is definitely better than cure...heart ailments simplified, and it is a must for normal people to observe simplicity life like age old sages do to live for ages. :ohmy:
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Thank you said by: usha manohar
10 years ago
I agree that pictures speak for themselves and they help us understans things better. Until I saw these pictures I too was not aware of the differences that are there and something we need to know and understand...
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
Thank you said by: mohan manohar
10 years ago
I agree that pictures speak for themselves and they help us understans things better. Until I saw these pictures I too was not aware of the differences that are there and something we need to know and understand...
You can add me to the list. I never bothered to know the subtle differences between these three heart ailments. The picture has succeeded in making me understand the differences. And the best part of it is, all the pictures are so simple that novices too can understand without any problem.
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