Google runs over one million servers in data centers around the world,and processes over one billion search requests and about twenty-four petabytes of user-generated data every day
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Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in California.

The first funding for Google was an August 1998 contribution of US$100,000 from Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, given before Google was even incorporated.
Once, I had a rumor that google is reselling facebook to some other company. Bu I knew that a player like google won't ever do such foolish things. :)
Wow this was a great information, now a days google has become best of internet.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

To your kind information the google webpage or the coding were written by two students from India. I don't know how far it's true. In case any one knows the real story can tell or post so that we can update ourself.
Here is the story behind one of the most remarkable Internet successes of our time. Based on scrupulous research and extraordinary access to Google, the book takes you inside the creation and growth of a company whose name is a favorite brand and a standard verb recognized around the world. Its stock is worth more than General Motors’ and Ford’s combined, its staff eats for free in a dining room run by a former chef for the Grateful Dead, and its employees traverse the firm’s colorful Silicon Valley campus on scooters and inline skates.

The Google Story is the definitive account of the populist media company powered by the world’s most advanced technology that in a few short years has revolutionized access to information about everything for everybody everywhere. In 1998, Moscow-born Sergey Brin and Midwest-born Larry Page dropped out of graduate school at Stanford University to, in their own words, “change the world” through a search engine that would organize every bit of information on the Web for free.

While the company has done exactly that in more than one hundred languages, Google’s quest continues as it seeks to add millions of library books, television broadcasts, and more to its searchable database. Readers will learn about the amazing business acumen and computer wizardry that started the company on its astonishing course; the secret network of computers delivering lightning-fast search results; the unorthodox approach that has enabled it to challenge Microsoft’s dominance and shake up Wall Street. Even as it rides high, Google wrestles with difficult choices that will enable it to continue expanding while sustaining the guiding vision of its founders’ mantra: DON’T BE EVIL.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Well GOOGLE was created by the two geniuses, but how far people care about it??...For a common man getting right information from the GOOGLE page for his/her usage is more than satisfactory. GOOGLE might be creating lot of ways to give the right information to the user, but how far does it help??

There are lot of companies around the world from web servicing to manufacturing, from Large scale to small ones, but what matters is how much and how far these companies are creating EMPLOYMENT opportunities to the common man and this is what matters for everyone.
We had heard much about the story of Google.Thanks for sharing it again.

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I think we are all in agreement that Google has a lot of really good points and equal amounts of bad points 22

well if anything has revolutionized internet information search,no one can deny the credit would go to Google.


Abhishek thanks for the data . It is true that a large number of internate users are dependent on google .
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