In a big development, the tribunal looking into the sharing of waters from Krishna river, has directed all three states - Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka not to divert the water.

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While Andhra Pradesh will get the maximum share of the total water, Karnataka will get the second biggest share. Andhra Pradesh will get 1,001 thousand million cubic feet (TMC feet). Karnataka will get 911 TMC feet, followed by Maharashtra (666 TMC feet).

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Thanks for the news hope this will solve the long running battle between the states on this isssue. But would like to point out that duplicate post has been created by you.

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I think the state through which the river flows mostly should get maximum share.

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That is good news and atlast solved the problem..thanks for sharing Deepti. :cheer:
This has been in news for a long time. Happy to hear that the final verdict is given now.. :)

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I think it is like the Cauvery river problem which solved some years ago.

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