The employment opportunities in India are not being fully tapped owing to mismatch between skill and jobs. Many jobs remain vacant owing to deficiency of skilled staff. Thus there is urgent need to match skill against job by planning training facilities Visit following links for more details.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Now a days in India, there is relation with the qualification and Job. The important thing is whether the we know has matched to the job we did. With the deficiency of the skill, we cannot be qualified. As Gulshan has said that there should have training for matching the skills with the job.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Trainings for development of skills is a very important step which has to be taken up in a large way.Good trainers will also be required for this purpose. PHDs should therefore be requested to impart even low paid or honorary coaching if they are not compensated properly.I know it is not going to find many takers but we should feel the need of the hour at least for country's sake. A case in point is that of Abhay Anand Kumar of of Patna who conducts SUPER30 classes.
wow,Rajesh thank you for the information you gave,till now i dont know there are such people like Abhay Anand Kumar and his super30 class.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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