More than how much you eat, what you eat determines the satisfaction level of a meal. Nutritionist Sneha Jain lists 10 foods that make you feel full, without making you fat.

Fatty Fish
Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and sardines contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which, besides lowering cholesterol, also hasten the metabolism rate. Omega-3 fatty acids alter the level of leptin — a hormone that directly influences metabolism and determines whether you burn calories or store them as fat. Fish also provides ample protein and the best way to eat it is grilled, with steamed vegetables on the side.

Citrus Fruits
Fruits such as grapefruit, lemon, sweet lime, papaya, guava and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C and fibre. Vitamin C helps the body process fat faster and also stimulates the amino acid known as carnitine — carnitine speeds up the body's fat-burning capacity. Citrus fruits also have high water content and provide around 50 to 75 kcal, leaving us satiated for a longer period of time.
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Green Vegetables
Spinach, asparagus and broccoli have a high thermic effect on the body and a low calorie density. This means that it's almost impossible for them to be stored as fat because most of their calories are burned off in the digestion process. Apart from that, the fibre in these foods provides roughage and contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help you feel full.

Popcorn is rich in fibre and low on calories. Also, since eating it keeps our mouth busy for a longer time, the satiety levels are high. However stay away from the overly buttered, caramel and cheese cousins.

Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate which takes longer to digest — hence it releases energy slowly, keeping you feeling full for longer. It also keeps blood sugar and insulin levels stable, which helps prevent fat storage. Oatmeal is the most satisfying breakfast cereal, providing more protein per serving than any other grain. Mix it with yoghurt or skimmed milk and it'll keep you full all morning.

Almond and Walnuts
Raw, unsalted nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, provide essential roughage, protein, fat, minerals and micronutrients. Munching on handfuls of these nuts keeps you full and energetic for longer without adding to your waistline.
Low-Fat Dairy Products
Skimmed milk, low fat cheese and yoghurt are a good source of calcium, which helps break down fat cells. Some studies indicate that not getting enough calcium may trigger the release of calcitrol, a hormone that causes fat storage.

Beans are high in fibre and a good source of protein. They also take longer to digest, making you feel full for a longer time. Also, protein has the highest satiety index (which determines how long will you feel full) than any other element.

Whole grains
Jowar, bajra and ragi contain complex carbohydrates, which release glucose slowly when broken down during digestion. The glucose helps in maintaining your blood sugars levels and combats sugar craving. They are also a rich source of fibre and Vitamin B complex that play an important role in metabolic control.

High water content and ample fibre is the reason why you feel full after eating an apple. An apple's skin contains pectin soluble fibre that is a natural appetite suppressant. Seems like an apple a day keeps the weight away.
Foods That Make You Feel Full

Is it possible to feel full yet at the same time consume fewer calories? Definitely. In fact choosing healthy foods that satiate your hunger yet at the same time provide less calories is a great way to lose weight and keep it off forever.

All foods have a certain amount of calories within their given volume.
The foods to avoid are the ones that provide the most energy calories within the smallest volume. For instance a half a cup of salted peanuts has 438 calories whereas a half a cup of raw broccoli only has 15 calories. It is the broccoli that is most likely to make you feel full but you might have to eat ten times as many peanuts to feel the same sense of satiation.

The foods that are most likely to make you feel full are the ones that contain the most water and the dietary fiber. These are also the foods that usually contain fewer calories.

The two foods that are that are highest in water content a grapefruit (98% water and only 39 calories) and, carrots (88% water and only 25 calories in one raw cup). A typical serving of fresh fruit is about 60 calories a serving so almost all fruit is a good choice for making your feel full.

However if the fruit is canned in any kind of fruit syrup it is less likely to make you feel full as the sugar increases the number of calories in the serving by as much as sixty percent.

Fresh fruit is also a better choice than dried fruit as the dehydrated fruit piece lack the water content that provides the feeling of fullness.

Almost all green vegetables are high in dietary fibre. The average calorie count for half a cup of raw green vegetables or for two cups of leafy green vegetables is about 25 calories.
This includes all salad greens, asparagus, green peas, green and yellow beans, zucchini and broccoli. Starchier vegetables such a sweet potatoes, potatoes and squash are a little less filling and contain 75 calories per half a cup serving.

If you are going to eat carbohydrates then stay away from refined foods and eat whole grains, which leave the bran and germ on the grain intact.
This includes whole wheat bread, whole wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, brown rice and oatmeal. One serving of each of these makes you feel full and contain only 70 or so calories.

In the dairy and meat department the best choices are those that contain about 100 calories per serving. This would mean three ounces of fish or chicken, one egg or one cup of skim milk.
You are best to stay away from butter, which has 100 calories per tablespoon.

Of course the foods that make you feel the hungriest are the ones that we crave the most - this includes ice creams, candies, cakes and sweets. These contain too many calories and usually only provide a temporary fix when it comes to staving off hunger.
List of Low Calorie Foods that Make You Feel full

Fruits: Almost all fruits are rich in fiber as well as water. Fruits can be the best choice for people having a sweet tooth as they are sweets that are low in calories. In addition to all these, fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. They are great boosters of metabolism as well as immune system. Therefore, replace the snacks with fruits to feel full for a long time.

Vegetables: Another group of low calorie foods that fill you up fast and for long is vegetables. Cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, celery, spinach, carrots, asparagus, tomatoes, onions, radish and endives are vegetables that are low in starch hence low in calories. They also have high content of fiber and water. For best possible effects, eat them raw, like in the form of salads or soups. Make sure you are not dressing it with bulks of croutons and cheese.

Cereals: Food items made of cereals like wheat, pearl millet, sorghum, finger millet, brown rice and oats have carbohydrates. They are calorie-producing but are much better than those based on white flour and processed foodstuffs that contain starch. They satisfy your hunger fast and also keep you full for a comparatively longer time. Therefore, wherever and whenever possible, make foods from whole grains of your choice.

Pulses: All pulses have high amount of proteins. As already discussed, your body takes time to digest proteins. Thus, their consumption makes you feel full and satisfied for a few more hours in comparison to other foodstuffs. Moreover, your body uses proteins as a source of energy only when it does not have sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fats. Thus, proteins rarely act as a source of calories in your body. Hence, you may call foods rich in proteins as low in calories. All these reasons give pulses a place in the low calorie foods list.

Miscellaneous: There are some more foods that are low in calories yet make you feel full for quite some time. One of them is egg white. The white portion of egg is all protein. Fish like cod, halibut and bass are highly nutritious and another one of the low calorie foods that make you feel full. You might have heard about white potatoes. They are packed with fiber, and therefore give you a feeling of fullness and satisfaction for a couple of hours. Popcorn is one of the low calorie foods and snacks that fill you up fast and keep you satisfied for long. Last but not the least, low fat dairy products such as yogurt can also make you feel full and content. Read more on low carb foods and snacks.

Now, you have a general idea of those foods that are filling apart from being low in calories. Make a low calorie foods and meals diet chart out of the above suggested 'low calorie foods that make you feel full' for staying healthy and good-looking for as long as possible.
Thanks for sharing this quite a bit of knowledge Abhishek and neetu...
SOme of the items are unknownable taken by us..however i thank Abhishek and neetu for getting to our notice. :)
Dear Friend,

This knowledge will help for those who are health conscious.

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