Indian professionals and website owners are joining a list of their global peers in earning income through sale of advertisements via Google’s AdSense program. But being a new income head, there has been confusion over the tax treatment of such more

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Thanks for sharing the information on tax liability....
Thanks for sharing this.I think in income tax india site itself there is a tax calculator.

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nce article jayen . If this happens the revenues for the adsense publishers would cut heavly and this leads to loss of income and eventually small bloggers wont be getting anything at all.
It has been stated in the link that the income from Google Adsense may be taken as Business/ Profession income or from other sources depending on nature of job, whether regular and main or casual. The next question is whether this is Indian income or Foreign income.

I may add that a resident in India has to pay income tax on his entire world income. This may result in double taxation: India as well as some other country as Google Adsense is global. Relief from double taxation is available on basis of international treaties.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Google will have to deduct tax at source as we are being paid commission by google in India.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Dear Friend,

Thats true, we got to have the watch on our Tax Liability.

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