Hair dryers like any other hot styling tools has to be used on the hair carefully to avoid serious hair damages. With the hurry to dry or style the hair, most of the people give less care to their hair that can eventually pave way for various hair problems that becomes irreparable at some cases.

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Yes, that is completely true hair damage is caused due to this and I most dont use hair dyers...
Hair dryers are the most frequently used hair styling tools, but improper use can result in severe heat damage and dull, lifeless hair. To use a dryer effectively, choose the model that best suits your needs and try to limit the amount of heat you apply. Adding heat treatment products and conditioners can help moderate damage, and careful use can result in superior hair styles that never look like a dryer has been used at all.
Blow dryers, flat irons, and similar devices. Frequent use of a blow dryer tends to damage hair. The high heat from a blow dryer can boil the water in the hair shaft leaving the hair brittle and prone to breakage. Allowing the hair to air dry and styling it only when dry will lessen this risk. Dermatologists also recommend limiting the use of flat irons, which straighten hair by using high heat, and other devices such as curling irons.
Blow dry your hair as little as possible.

The heat from a blow dryer can aggravate dry, damaged hair and contribute to formation of split ends. Heat causes expansion of the hair shaft followed by contraction with cooling. This places a lot of excess stress on the hair, resulting in breakage. Let you hair dry naturally and save the blow dryer for days when you're in a real pinch for time and, then, only use it on a low setting.
Blow-Drying Bad for Hair?
Answer: Yes. Overdrying the hair causes strands to dry out and break. Your best bet is to blowdry your hair 80 percent dry, and let the rest dry naturally OR do the exact opposite: Let hair naturally dry half-way, then finish with the blowdry. When you can, I recommend skipping the blowdryer altogether.
nice sharing
Well said. Haste is waste. This is so everywhere. We need be most careful about our body and appearance. Our physical health and appearance is most precious personal asset. This asset helps us in all activities. Hair style is most important feature of our personality.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes we have to use the hair dyers carefully and i use them at least 15 to 20 cms from my head
Dear Friend,
You have chosen this topic wisely. This is knowledge information to spread the awareness about Hair and its care. Hope this topic will put some light in order to caring of hair.

Keep writing this kind of knowledgeable article.

Yes, I too agree that the use of hair dryers will result in hair damage.
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