Delhi is literally sitting on a bomb. Actually, around 100 of them. They are sand-bagged at the inland container depot ( ICD . in Tughlakabad for six years now. What's worse, no one except the Army knows how many bombs are live. And it's not sharing the information, claim officials.

The bombs came as scrap from war-torn Iraq in 2004, and went undetected both at the Mumbai port and the ICD. A blast in a Haryana factory, where part of the scrap was delivered, alerted the Container Corporation of India (Concor) to the problem.

A senior railway official said the consignment had come through a railway container and was heading to various places in north India for melting. "Shockingly, these odd 100 explosives were detected neither at the Mumbai port or the Tughlakabad depot. Officials woke up to the problem when one of these bombs exploded in a furnace unit somewhere in Haryana. Customs officials then searched the consignment thoroughly and isolated the bombs to one corner of the 10,000 square metre warehouse. In 2005, sandbags were put up around the bombs and the area secured," he said.

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This shows the real picture of Indian customs security. God help this country.

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It is really very heart breaking news and if the situation of country capital i like that god only knows the fate of other cities. :S
I think Popullation of India is much more not only security is resposible for terrorist each and every peroson shuld take care and be honest for country.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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