Mississippi governor Haley Barbour apologised to Indian envoy Meera Shankar after she was subjected to frisking at the Jackson Airport.

“I have spoken to Ambassador Meera Shankar and expressed my concern on behalf of Mississippi for the way she was treated by the federal Transportation Security Administration personnel while she was in our state."

"I assured the ambassador that I have taken up the issue with the TSA and with Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. I hope to see whatever necessary procedural changes made within TSA that make our visitors feel welcome and safe in the Hospitality State," said a statement by the governor.
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I think it is the second time it has happened.Hope USA won't repeat it.
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It's a misdemeanour of an unforgivable kind and Uncle Sam should be given a blunt message about our zero tolerance to such barbaric practices!
Hello Mr.Hunk welcome back ...I agree with his statement..it is been repeated many times.. :)
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An insincere apology is worse than hypocisy!Why doesn't Uncle Sam learn from the past?
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]An insincere apology is worse than hypocisy!Why doesn't Uncle Sam learn from the past? [/quote]

Uncle Sam has not been made to learn in a language understood by him. Give Americans including their diplomats the same treatment as they give to Indians. They will learn. Presently, North Korea, Singapore and Malaysia are best tutors of uncle Sam.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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