Google Street View has been grabbing headlines these days because Google recently admitted that their cars had inadvertently collected personal data from unprotected Wi-Fi networks.The FCC Enforcement Bureau Chief even said that these cars "collected passwords, e-mails and other personal information." While Google has now announced that they're deleting this data, the images these cars capture will still live on.

Street View photography became the project of one man, Jon Rafman, back in 2009. The Montreal, Canada-based artist saw the nine cameras mounted on Google cars as a window into our modern world. He called his series Nine Eyes of Google Street View.

"The world captured by Google appears to be more truthful and more transparent because of the weight accorded to external reality, the perception of a neutral, unbiased recording, and even the vastness of the project. At the same time, I acknowledge that this way of photographing creates a cultural text like any other, a structured and structuring space whose codes and meaning the artist and the curator of the images can assist in constructing or deciphering."

This photos are an interesting way of looking at what's happening all around us, a collection of experiences, if you will. It speaks to our search for connectedness and significance, often revealing life's most vulnerable here to see the pics

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It is good to know that security has been given concern.. :)
Yes this are some of the leaked pictures and also the reason for the can on the google view.

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It was admitted that the practice has been continuing for more than one year.It is serious one.

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Yes its ofcourse a serious matter and google is already facing obvious law suits all over the world.

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Privacy is the right of every person in the world.But conspiracies are to be brought to light.

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Well said ABid facebook should also consider this point as said by you.
It compels me to think about knowing everything of WI-FI protection.I am not sure if our data leak while using our broadband connections,laptops or mobile phones.Some technical expert of Boddunan may throw some light on it.
Rajani K wrote:
[quote]Well said ABid facebook should also consider this point as said by you.[/quote]

Thanks Rajani.

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If your wifi is password protected there will be no such risk.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Thanks for sharing important information... useful for the security reasons.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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