The Center has debarred some office bearers of Indian Medical association from practising as doctors. They were endorsing products of some companies.

The doctors are involved in many unethical practices and acting in various devious ways for mere revenue and not properly justifying their principal job of treating their patients.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Yes, many doctors are practicing against their pledge.How can it be cured?

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Yes this noble profession of curing patients have become a business now a days for doctors.....
We have raised this issue in our recent GD and it's highly condemnable and against medical ethics!
Yes it is already discussed in GD and i think we all know that the profession is misused by people. :)
Some doctors practise this dirty game forgetting their noble status!
I heard a witty story on this in which at last the doctor was "traeted well" by the patient!

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No doctor is doing justice to their profession.It is hard to find good doctors.
What is the story you heard share with us.. :)

You have put it well!! Now they really 'treatment' from the patients! We have been patient enough!!
Once a doctor asked a person to take an X-ray.The patient took it from a shop and reached back.The doctor said it is not clear as it was taken from a shop not referred by the doctor.So he compelled to take another one from his favourite shop.

The clever patient went out and somehow collected a cover of doctor's choice shop and put the same X-ray in it!When showed doctor he began talkative on the clarity of the "new" x-ray.Then and there patient and his team realised the idea behind clarity and "treated" the doctor very well!!

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