Enraged with prosecution against several persons belonging to and RSS and allied formations of the Saffron Brigade, RSS has come on streets.

The RSS persons have been found engaged in terrorist activities. Rahul Gandhi compared this outfit to SIMI, which is a Muslim body.

We need to contain all terrorists- Hindu or Muslim without any soft corner for any one.

See the link below:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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It is very true that the religion fanatics should be considered equal to terrorists.
nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
[quote]It is very true that the religion fanatics should be considered equal to terrorists.[/quote]

The RSS fanatics have not been only propagating their vicious poisonous ideology but also engaged in terrorist activities. They are being fairly prosecuted. They are in fact terrorists and not only equal to terrorists.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am all for fighting terrorism of all kinds and without any label!
Congress and Sangh are at war. Bitterness abates. Accusations and counter accusations, slanderous remarks continue unabated. Here is link:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Paricularly what the ex-chief of RSS commented about Sonia Gandhi it shows the bankruptcy of this outfit!!
I went through the link and it makes me remember the ongoing fight between DMK chief and AIADMK chief. :( :(
The RSS fanatics have not been only propagating their vicious poisonous ideology but also engaged in terrorist activities.
I think government fears RSS.Eventhough they provoke continuously no action seen taken as in the case of SIMI.

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This is the true face of any fascist organization once they fail to attract followers these resort to plain terror!
Terror of any kind should not be entertained from now...Thanks for sharing the link..
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