"When I was at Gandhi's room (Mani Bhavan) it was telling that the only objects in the room were a mat, spinning wheel, sandals, a few papers and this man changed the history like no one else did in the 20th century in terms of the number of lives he affected." read more

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Through National Service Scheme what we do is the same."Healthy youth for Healthy India" is the motto of NSS.

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Mahatma Gandhi is father of the nation. It is natural for a foreign head of state to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi and say something in praise. This is just diplomatic courtesy and nothing more nothing less.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Youth is the symbol of power. I too believe that only youth can bring change, especially in a country like India.
It is natural for a foreign head of state to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi and say something in praise.

thanks for sharing this information.
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