President Barack Obama is looking forward to his talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh where they will discuss ways to strengthen the Indo-US strategic and global partnership.

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Hope his visit will bring in to highlight various issues such as terrorism, curbing og Indian outsourcing in US, etc.

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good news for indian ...Hope his visit will bring some changes in india...
:woohoo: :woohoo:
Indo-US relationship has been evolving over the years in the right direction and it has grown to be multi-faceted.Like everyone I too look forward to substantial progress especially in containing Pakistan in its support to terrorism and terror groups!
Yes, the talks should be prospective to both US and India...maybe terrorism can be part of the talks...
I hope the meeting would be beneficial to both India and US.They should find a solution to the US Visa fee hike too.
President Obama's outsourcing policy is also hurting India and it should be taken up with all seriousness!
Yes many issues are to be rethinked hope he gets good oppurtunity to discuss these issues.
I am happy to find that outsourcing does form an important item of their agenda!
Protests are going on from some corners.Today I saw a "go back Obama" poster in my college.

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