Join social networking sites and live longer

Social networking sites are one of the best ways to stay connected with friends and family. They have changed the way people socialise. Rahul Kulkarni, product manager, Google India says, "Being socially connected has a definite positive effect on your well-being.
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Internet and social net working sites are a boon. We can socialize and communicate from any place without face to face meeting. This gives greater flexibility of choosing own time.
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G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't know about other social networking sites but I am firmly convinced that I would live for a thousand years being a member of Boddunan!!!
Will this site also come under social networking one?I am totaly confused of it!

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Social networking sites are really popular now a days and specially among the youth.i have seen youngsters spending hours on net..I m personally registered on boddunan itself...
Boddunan can not be considered a pure social networking site as it stands for some other goals!
Chinmoy,I wish you a healthy and a happy long living!!! :) :) :)
I think chinmoy is absolutely right..Boddunan is completely not a social networking site as it is meant for additional purpose.. :cheer: B)

I dont agree with the title heading at all as I think most of the social networking sites are becoming a place to share illegal activities, hatred speeches or opinions, even some are many sources for taking lifes of youngesters...
Though they are meant for good purpose it is used for some other purpose... so how can one expect to live longer...
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]Boddunan can not be considered a pure social networking site as it stands for some other goals![/quote]

yes chinmoy you are right....boddunan cannot be called as pure social networking site as it serves for other good purpose too.....
In Boddunan we get to share knowledge and information in a frank and free manner!

Thanks Nagalakshmi for your good wishes!
I can bet on one thing,the things which give you real joy will make you live longer.And good social websites provide us a chance to link up with a gentry of healthy thoughts.Evil is present everywhere and it's a matter of choice whether one takes to it or not.
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