The Norwegian Nobel Institute's website was Tuesday subjected to a hacker attack, the online edition of the Aftenposten daily reported.

Online visitors risked downloading a so-called trojan, a type of malware, to their computers, according to telecommunications group Telenor's security group.

The attack was traced to an IP (Internet Protocol) address in Taiwan but it was possible it had been re-routed there, the Telenor Security Operation Centre said after investigating a user complaint.
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I wonder why did they choose Nobel Institute's server? Any Nobel for hacking!!
why they choose Nobel Institute's server? its really shocking
news for I.T people. :dry:
Hackers derive pleasure by hacking successfully and they look for targets anywhere!
I beleive that most of the hackers have lot of knowledge or must be previous employee in a particular firm which is hacked..or else it is difficult when high security is maintaned by companies..
No doubt about it that hackers are very knowledgeable and ingenious!
Hackers are now a days very smarter than techies.It must be an act of people who didn't like the prize awarded to chinese dissident Liu. :( :(
Do you suggest a Chinese hacker's hand in it? Quite possible!
Hackers are clever enough to trespass through any firewall.Be careful.

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