An Indian scholar who was jailed in India and harassed for pointing out possibilities of ragging through EVM machines, has been given award in U.S.A.
Please see the following link. It appears that the western powers are using the various awards for defaming the Asian countries out of sheer racism.

The link is in Hindi but can be translated by using Google facility.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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I agree that some of them are racists but it's also a fact that we recognize a talent after it is spotted by the West!
They are all racists. Some of them are a bit sophisticated and others are brazen. They do everything to embarrass Afro Asian countries. They have a notion called- 'white man's burden to civilize the world'. This is very clear from behavior of the western powers in Australia, New Zee Land and elsewhere.
We may agree that Parliamentary Democracy is best. We have adopted it. But we cannot and no self respecting nation will allow the west to monitor human rights. They are not champions of human rights. The racists are worst human rights violators. The inhuman practices in Abu Dhabi Jail amply speak about western nations' love for human rights.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't understand why can't we spot our own talent.....

Why it gets recognised by western countries....
Yes,We often fail to recognize people with talents.I don't know whether it is negligence or fate? :(
I would not call them all as racists!It would be grossly unfair to call them so!We have many Westerners who gave us so much!I personally respect Swami Vivekananda's disciple Sister Nivedita who was an Irish woman!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]I would not call them all as racists!It would be grossly unfair to call them so!We have many Westerners who gave us so much!I personally respect Swami Vivekananda's disciple Sister Nivedita who was an Irish woman![/quote]

The whites in general are racists though there are some exceptions. But I have no grudge or malice against them. It is not easy to wash away age old prejudices. The superiority complex of whites is like that of our upper castes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Racism is a crime against humanity and whosoever indulges in it deserves our unqualified condemnation!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]Racism is a crime against humanity and whosoever indulges in it deserves our unqualified condemnation![/quote]

Thank yo Chinmoy. I echo your views. Racism must be condemned same way as we condemn anti Dalit activities in India.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Absolutely! The practice of untouchability is a similar heinous crime!
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