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Jayen- It would be better to give your own comments about utility and features of the product. Mere providing link does not appear useful. This is a forum for discussion. I do not know what sort of discussion can flow from this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Its just for knowledge update and a conversation starter. Also sometimes pictures speak for themselves rather than words.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Jayen wrote:
[quote]Its just for knowledge update and a conversation starter. Also sometimes pictures speak for themselves rather than words.[/quote]

Thanks jayen for elucidating your point. I felt that if you wrote a few words, it would be easier to appreciate the link.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Point taken and will be implemented wherever necessary. Thanks for your concern. Your advices are always welcome.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
THanks for the share jeyan.. the article was very interesting
I also support Gulshan as I once mentioned in your post.If you give some information and then link it would have helpful as these links sometimes do not open and makes irritation to members then.

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The fiber optics glove really looks so nice.Thanks Jayen for sharing the link. :)
As adviced by Gulshan and Abid I have to tried to add some descriptions in my recent post, check them out and let me know if they suffice.

Thanks for your appreciations Raja and Nagalakshmi.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
A good link to share and thanks! Adding by way of elaboration and elucidation does help at times!
Good to know some new things through the information..Thanks for sharing Jayen.
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