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It's inevitable under the present system with the abolition of Administered Price Regime!
There is frequent increase in prices...what is the reason is simply not imaginable..
Even I could not get the background of the issue.It is really irritating to see price hike of all items. :(
It is necessary to reduce traffic on road. Increase in prices of petrol may encourage people to use transport more economically. This is in national interest. people should be encouraged to use bicycles more. Using smaller vehicles and pooling vehicles, encouraging public transport should be steps to optimize use of fuel and reduce traffic on roads.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You are absolutely correct Gulshan! We can not afford to keep on tapping a source which is like to go dry in less than another fifty years!
It will be rocketing from month to month now.Poor man has to suffer all this.

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The sky rocketing petrol price makes us to use public transport than to use our own vehicles. :)
Rationalization of conumption of a source which lies outside the country is the only way out!
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