A study carried out in hotels, restaurants, banks, offices and airports found 313 'colony forming units' of bugs on every square centimetre of lift button. The equivalent surface area of toilet seat had only eight units.

The bacteria on the lift buttons could include stomach bugs such as E.coli, researchers say, according to the Daily Mail.

Nicholas Moon from Microban Europe, which carried out the research for the University of Arizona in the US, said: "In a busy building, a lift button can be touched by dozens of people who will have come into contact with all kinds of bacteria every hour."
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It is better we carry a hand sanitizer where ever we go.It is very shocking to listen to these sort of survey results.
really very shocking thing................thanks for sharing nagalakshmi...........

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Pretty mind-boggling,indeed! Thanks Nagalakshmi for sharing it!
I think i saw some post previous saying Computer keyboard has more filthier than toilet seat... :huh: :dry: :blink:
Very shocking, but true i guess.....
Lift buttons are used by every kind of people....
Oh! Is it?I was not aware of it.
Next time I will feel some what uncomfortable when i need to press the lift button.This news is really perturbing my mind.
Thanks for sharing this useful information keep sharing such information keep it up.

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