It's cocktail of amino acids -the building block of proteins- which is claimed to be the elixir of life by a reasearch report in a scientific journal.Scientists experimented with giving mice drinking water laced with three amino acids and the results showed them to be living significantly longer than the ones who were not given that!!
_49388194_g350320_glass_tubes_containing_powdered_amino_acids_spl.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)
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Thanks for sharing the information,Chinmoy.Keep posting!!! :) :) :)

I hope you get access to elixir of life so that after consuming,you can continue to post posts at Boddunan long after we are gone!

Just kidding! :)
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Swetha Shenoy
Good Morning to all of you!


Don't worry when I get this magic potion I would ensure a share to every member so that no one would even think of leaving boddunan ever!
It is really an amzing news.Thanks Ceeem for sharing this here.

Visit my blogs:
Thanks for sharing this info, but I would rather give it a miss!! I would prefer a glass of some good red wine instead of a cocktail of amino acids!! :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

its an amazing information .............thanks for sharing chinmoy..........
Thanks for sharing this information chinmoy....
keep posting.... :) :) :)
laughsq-20101011.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)
Thanks all for your words of appreciation and you would get preference when the magic potion is made available!!
Indeed great discovery...Thanks for sharing it Chinmoy..I hope it will be available soon..
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When it comes,Sweta would be the first one to receive it!
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