Imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for "his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights"....

A prize likely to enrage the Chinese government, which had warned the Nobel committee not to honour him.

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Why was he imprisoned??? I think this is first time to hear such a news.. :huh:
I am sure it is going to act as a red rag to the Chinese bull!!
Deepti,Do you have a link to the news?.Even I have the same question why he was imprison ed?
As I predicted the Chinese Bull or Dragon is on the rampage calling it obscene and he has been described as a 'criminal'!
Award of the prize is more against the Chinese Govt. and the political system there and less for rewarding the dissident. Thus the award is improper. Secondly, the dissident has done nothing for peace. If he were given an award for human rights or democracy, it would be different matter.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Rajani K wrote:
[quote]Why was he imprisoned??? I think this is first time to hear such a news.. :huh:[/quote]
Imprisonment of those who cause threat to law and order is normal in all states. This is not significant. what5 is significant that the award has been given only to embarass the Govt. of China. Secondly, the award is for peace whereas the awarded has done nothing for peace. The concept of human rights is not same as peace.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

He's the co-author of Charter 08, a call for political reform and human rights. He had played a leading role in the Tianan-men Square student’s protest of 1989. Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel, despite China warning the Nobel committee not to give him the prize saying it will harm relations with Norway.This is the news from CNN-IBN.
"Charter 08" was an intentional echo of Charter 77, the famous call for human rights in then-Czechoslovakia that led to the 1989 Velvet Revolution that swept away communist rule.This was targeted to put an end to the communist party dominance.
It's quite natural for a dictatorial regime like China to react to like this!
Friends, Have a look at this link... :)

He is fighting for the fundamental human rights with non-violence... :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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