The government is planning to spend just another 2000 crores for taking the caste wise census.

What are the benefits of taking this census?If this was planned in the census that was taken a month ago,this repetition of work and the cost could have been avoided.
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I too could not understand the rationale behind it.This is how our precious resources are thrown down the drain!!
Chinoy, I think you got my point now, this is what they always do... Do you think they really do spend 2000 crores on us
Again, a big field and opportunity for politicians to make huge amount of money, :(
That's what they do with taxpayers' money.One glaring instance is the money spent on renovating JN stadium which is a whoppping 900 crores whereas a modern stadium could be built at a cost of Rs 90 crores!!!
Yes this shows how well resources are wasted by Governement to repeat the same thing again and again..
why the hell should they go for caste wise, are they encouraging caste system. its purely for the politicians own benefit.
This is a system which is known as spoils system.I wonder whether there would be ever any honest inquiry to trace the hands which receive this dirty money.Now time has come that this government should amemnd the constitution to declare practising dishonesty to be a constituitional right!!!
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