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Ya i too agree with this news, because many peoples giving fake names for mal practices .

Vijay U
Thanks for sharing the information Neetu.Most of the youngsters use fake name for activities like chatting.
Me itself uses some fake name when i go for a chat in some free sites. Noting wrong with it..
Yes, nothing wrong about it. Even the survey conveys the same. :)
I agree with you guys, but, let me remind you this news is from London which is in UK, they did'nt accept and respect friends from other countries - specially our country.

Even my personal experience is: I try to make friends in UK from my personal name, they openly insulted me in social communities, but, when I try to make friends with fake names they are offering me heartly welcome...

Now, tell me What to do with this kind of illogical, narrow-minded peoples...
just oppostie to your case.. I have more friends in UK and canada than i have in India. Most of them are online friends and we have a good friendship till now. :unsure:
Harshil, I feel sorry for you.You mean to say that because of your original name they tend to insult you.I cannot get it clearly. Could you please elaborate it?
Yes there is no wrong in giving fake names but in case of earning site we have give original names.. :P

I agree with Harshil that lot of UK people do not like indian not know the reason.. :unsure: I too have personal expereinces..not for chatting but in some discussions they just try their best to insult Asians especially Indians.. :dry:

Is it so? Infact my friends from UK treat me better. They have helped me during tough times. It always depend on how you talk with them initially
Rajani, It is really a shocking news to me. I have not faced such a situation. Thanks for the information.
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