I find barring one or two,many of them keep away from the forum.I simply can not understand in this most important phase of boddunan when growth in membership has picked up and other things too are improving.They ought to be displaying greater zip and verve.What do you think?
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Aastha is busy with her training!

Santhsh got a new job so he is busy

Karthick is absconded

Lohit is searching for jobs

:ohmy: :ohmy:
Maverick may be busy as usual.What about Atul?Sometimes he is seen and sometimes not.
I think Lohit and Santosh are editors.
If the moderators or editors are taking long leave,they can inform the members so that we can know.(Like Deepti has informed about her vacation)

Yes.. Thats true friends... :)

Donno what happened to Karthik... :)

Coming to Lohit and Santosh; they both are editors Sajeetharan.. :P :P :P

Aastha is busy with her new job. Hope to see her bacck with boom again!!! :) :) :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Hello Friends

I try my level best to come here daily and do my duty. Since I am busy with my Infosys Training,sometimes, it becomes really tough for me to be online.
But, I keep caption writing contest up to date everytime and there is a bit delay for DFAA.

I don' know about others. But Maverick remains most of the times online..

Aastha Gupta
Hello Friends,
Well did any one remembered me?

An update about our moderator and Editor team:
Maverick : Active, Regularly visit the website, a bit busy in our upcoming software for Editors for reviewing articles.

Atul Barapatre : Semi-Active, This person comes online at random time. After he comes from his office, he gets online on Boddunan for 1hr, mainly works on back end activities.

Lohit Seth : Inactive, He is busy in his career development activities, struggling for a job as a fresher.

Santhosh Kumar Singh : Semi-active, Busy in his job, may be shifting to Mumbai very soon.

Meean : Active

Deepti : Active, back from holidays.

Swetha Shenoy : Inactive, Busy in her NGO work and job.

Soubhagya Das : Inactive, Busy in his Stock Market Analysis and

Aastha Gupta : Inactive, Busy in her New job at infosys, currently under a very hectic training(may be she gets active again after reading this post).

Karthik : Inactive, I don't know the reason. I see him very less active after he was made moderator.

I hope to see our Senior Member board members active again to boost the energy level to improve our Alexa world ranking.

-Atul B

Well... Great Analysis Atul... :)

You have given update of editors too.... :) Thats wonderful... :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
well its just giving an exact answer to the question asked.

anyways we must know each other, since we are a family now..

-Atul B

i think maverick is online most of the times.. and thanks for the update atul..
I think it is very good initiative by chinmoy to start a thread like this..I hope now answer is given by one of the moderate atul..
I am pleased with Atul's reply but I would still request moderators as suggested by Meean that they should keep us posted about their absence as they are the ones who have voluntarily taken upon themselves the role of moderators and long absence on the part of a moderator does not project him or her in a better light.
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