Benefits of Cinnamon or Dalchini

This popular aromatic spice is a piece of the dried bark of the cinnamon tree and is used to flavour rice preparations like Pulao and Biryani. But not many know that it has proven benefits for diabetics. It has antioxidants that not only reduce inflammation in the body but also lessen the blood glucose concentrations.

One-and-a-half teaspoons is all what it takes to make a difference. Add the powder to coffee, cocoa, sandwich fillings, curry or honey and feel the magic.
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It is always very good habit to add up cinnamon in food.

It is proved fact that "A pinch of Cinnamon powder in warm honey water" daily at morning improves resistance power and controls obesity.


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Cinnamon is a fantastic natural remedy for many ailments such as arthritis, balding, and kidney stones.....thanks deepti for sharing the wonderful health tip about cinnamon.
Thanks Neetu..... I was not aware that cinnamon is a very good remedy for Kidney stones....

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Cinnamon is one of the world's oldest known spices. The tree is native to Sri Lanka where it was found thousands of years ago. It is the best spice available in terms of its nutrition and health. It contains unique healthy and healing property comes from the active components in the essential oils found in its bark. Cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant activity due to which it has numerous health benefits.
That's a great piece of information.Thanks a lot ,Neetu and others!
Thanks for good information on cinnamon, Deepti and Neetu!

It is a very good anti-oxidant and prevents atherosclerosis of the arteries as well with controling blood sugar. It improves the response of our body towards insulin.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks a lot for sharing the information Deepti,Neetu and Kalyani. :) :) .
It is widely used in deserets, cakes and other baked recipe, along with milk and rice puddings, chocolate dishes and fruit desserts, especially apples and pears.
Cinnamon spice helps prevent diabetes
... Cinnamon is an insulin substitute in Type II diabetes. Cinnamon itself has insulin-like activity, increasing the effectiveness of insulin. ..thanks kalyani ,sajee, for sharing the health benefits of cinnamon.
Thanks Kalyani for providing an excellent importance of Cinnamon... :)

I was unaware of it being used to increase effect of Insulin..

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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