For days, she lay in a pool of dirty rainwater, dogs lurking nearby, flies swarming her nine-month pregnant body. With just a filthy red chunni to cover her, she easily passed off as a bundle of rags dumped on a busy street. And it was a busy street — in Shankar Market, Connaught Place, at the feet
of thousands who walked past going to work, going shopping, returning home.

When the woman gave birth on July 26, it was on that dirty roadside. The newborn lay with her dazed mother, wailing. It was the crying that alerted a food-stall owner, who went to Ritu Arthur Frederick, who has a garment shop in the market.

Frederick was shocked to see dogs circling the day-old infant.

"The dogs looked like they would pounce on the infant."

In callous Delhi, she — and Karishma — will probably need another miracle.
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This is very pathetic situation... :( :( :(

And Karishma is very lucky enough to be alive....

Here is image of Karishma, the new born infant...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Really heart melting incident sajee.. No words to comment over this. Heartless peoples
This is called Kali yuga. No Humanity. Animals are better I think.

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
I watched d same scene in a movie called "PERFUME".But its so cruel to think that it has happnd in real .Am feeling really sad for this
Hmm --- It is very bad incident indeed. Directors show in movies just to educate others... But in real life these things should not happen... :( :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
yes. We cannot image that, what will happen in future for humanity.
:( :( :( :(

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
really a very pathetic incident read the news in news paper.......really a miracle child....karishma..

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Very very sad to hear this kind of news.Even if the people passing by are not able to help,they could have called some charity organisations for support.
When we dont exhibit humanity we dont deserve to be called as "human beings".
Very unfortunate event!!
What to say!!
Shame on those so called humans who has seen her and ignored. :angry: :angry:

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