In March, Aryavati took up a job in Saudi Arabia so that she could earn enough to build a house in her hometown Matara, some 160 km from Colombo. Last week, she returned home. Bruised, burnt and with 23 nails slammed across her body. Ill-treatment of Sri Lankan housemaids working in west Asian countries is not new. Thousands of Lankan women work as housemaids across Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Jordan sending back millions as remittance money; often only to return with sordid stories of torture, enslavement and extortion
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Oh God! Thats really pathetic.. :(
Aryavati was stopped at the Riyadh airport as she passed under a metal detector. “But the customs couldn’t find anything on her and let her pass".... :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
"I had to work continuously since I had to do the chores of all the occupants and when I wanted to take rest due to tiredness, they inserted the nail in my body as a punishment," the 50-year-old woman told a Sri Lankan television station.

height of brutality.... absolutely shocking.
It is common in Arabic country to treat workers as slaves..even in high position the paid is good nothing more than that..but the Arabic people are really cruel, which is proved by this act...
Slavery was common in Arabian countries. The slaves were treated as commodities and for personal pleasure. apparently, they still treat domestic servants especially those from Asian countries as slaves. It is for governments to give wide publicity to such cruel practices and to ensure that nobody is sent for work to Arabian countries.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is a very shocking news. What trauma she would have really undergone?.It would really take time for her recovery.
This is very shocking hope this is taken seriously by all the countries across the world. Where are the human right's activist. I think they dont have the courage to speak out in these countries.

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JUBAIL: A 28-year-old maid described only as “Asian” was beaten to death by her sponsor and his wife last Friday, a local daily reported on Monday.
Arabians do tend to take their servants for granted, have heard so many stories like this.. I dont know why the governments dont involve that much to stop these.
Oh God! What is this slave killing... :( :(

This is very bad. Those sponsors should be given severe punishment which would teach all other people about not to torcher their servants.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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