Last week Salaries were raised for MP's. So In Delhi all Councilors are fighting and for raising their salaries also. Opposition party leader Mr Jaykrishna Sharma raising the issue.

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Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
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It is very bad that anyone is deciding his own salary without asking to his seniors.Decision in increase in salary of MP/MLA would be in hand of common man ( or any commission who will decide it).

salary of these would be as per hour basis .there many MP/MLAs who don't attend any session in 5 year .then why will pay full salary to these guys .As per behavior & wokring style of these ,there is no need to increase in their salary...
yes sajeet. you are correct. But who will implement and follow this. :( :(

New commission or Board requirement to grant this kinds of serious matters.

MP' salaries also not necessaries that much. :ohmy:

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
The politicians are also in a career and they need money as their remuneration and also for meeting expenses in performance of their job. what is required is transparency and honesty. There should be a commission for evaluating the job content of the politicians holding post in legislatures and government and to fix remuneration for them. There should also be special courts to try offences/ misconduct by the politicians. while we must oppose corruption, it is not fair to deny adequate salary/ compensation to legislators.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

So bad, the MP's and all other government officials are loosing focus on people and searching for individual needs. I dont know where this will end.
Politics is getting too worse. There were days when the leaders shared their income and property to the welfare of the country. Now the politicians grab money from public. The situation ahs turned upside down.
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