East, South-East Delhi tops list of theft cases
NEW DELHI: A whopping 77% of nearly 70,000 cases of theft reported from the national capital in the past three-and-half-years has remained unsolved, with East Delhi topping the list of ignominy.

Out of a total of 69,659 thefts reported from capital, East Delhi accounts for 9,575 cases or 14% of the total cases. A total of 28,045 people were arrested in 19,504 solved cases (23%).

"Theft cases are in the rise in the capital. We have to admit it," a senior police official said.

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This is a sad news and i cannot be possible without the help of the enforcements for culprits to remain free for such a long time.

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Did you notice delhi tops everywhere! sad! what is happening in nations's capital?
yes sajeetharan delhi tops everywhere .be it theft,robbery,murder or rape.....................

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
I am ashamed of Delhi being a capital of India. CRIME Capital.
Govt should think of changing the capital of India to somewhere like chennai,pune or some place
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The eastern part of our national capital is most notorious in theft case.Once I was robbed of my mobile phone.
It is the inability of Delhi police such crimes are happening sajee..
Simiply by changing capital city there wont be any solution..maybe the brains of security persons and politicians should be changed if really any method exist.
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