It is great news for the poor tribals of Niyamgiri of Orissa and the environmentalists who have fighting the Vedanta bauxite project. Minister Jairam Ramesh took a very proressive step forward by cancelling the project which would have raped the state of natural wealth that belongs to the people of the land. The project that has overstepped all laws has rightly been banned, a proect if it had succeeded would have made tribals homeless from a land which they have occupied for thousands of years. Also atleast 90% of the income from the mining would have gone out of India only to make Anil Aggarwal even richer, for he is based out of UK.

Also nature as it is would have been terribly struck as forests and its flora & fauna would have been destroyed by this project.
At last this is a step in the right direction!!
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This is ofcourse a very good step taken by the government however some politics in this cannot be ruled out. Had it been sanctioned the group would have been larger than reliance group which makes the decision doubtful.

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This is indeed a very encouraging news. We definitely need land for forests and animals. Mindless industrialization and so called development must go. This is victory for tribal.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We do need more Jairam Rameshs in the country to take it forward in a scientific & systematic manner. We have had much 'destruction' so far from the rest of garbage also known as Politicians of the worst kind.
A good step taken by Jairam Ramesh. Vedanta,the Orissa mining corporation's statement is "This project is to encourage the investment in the world class bauxite deposits in one of the most backward districts in the state, and generation of 10,000 jobs". But it is not fair to ruin the life of the tribals. They are the ones who really care for our forests and wild life.
I have done a case on this vedanta mining in my course work, never thought the tribes will win this war.. Great news for them.. And good thing that the environment is not disturbed more.
It's a good decison but given to the ways of our politicians and the nexus they maintain with our corporate honchos I would like to keep fingers crossed!
What we need is an almost total ban on the export of ores from this country.Then unscrupulous politicians looking to get 'protection money' will fade away and excess mining, which can be compared to the rape of this country, will stop.
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