India demanded to establish the server of Black Berry mobile company in India itself to watch the messages send through these phones.

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Abid, we have already discussed about this under the thread blackbery to be banned in India!
ya sajee we have already discussed that regarding banning. but i think this information is good one, India demanding things from blackberry. i think its a good information.
Yes i agree with you abid but the indian government had already decide to baned blackberry in india.
This is a very right demand made by the Government this will go in solving all the problems relating to Blackberry service.

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YEs Sajee.We had discussed banning.But the demand is new one and hence this post.

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Ok ok abid, am not discouraging you. sorry if i have done that! I also Liked the Move when Govt announced they are going to Ban thousands of Cheap Chinese Mobile Phones without IMEI Number..!!
No problem Sajee.It is your right to raise the issue.I think the demand of govt is not considered by Black berry team.

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No i heard on one of the radios of chennai, that blackberry has accepted to give security settings to india!
But I read in the daily that Black Berry hadn't responded to this demand.

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