What are the prospects of India winning the ICC Cricket world cup 2011?
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The key steps that need to be taken are given as under:

1. Sack Krishnamachary Shrikanth as the Chief selector IMMEDIATELY
2. Sack Dhoni as the Captain (he should be retained as a Team Member in the playing 11 though)
3. Convince Sehwag to take up the captaincy (He is the best suited guy for the job)
4. Include Ifran pathan and Uthapa in the playing 11 for adding the winning punch and the positive attitude in the team
5. Dont mix politics and Cricket...they are two different things COMPLETELY
6. Appoint Kapil Dev and Gavaskar as the Mentors to the team
7. Infuse the WINNING ATTITUDE in everyone...No points just being there and doing nothing.
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