I read this news in a regional newspaper and thought of sharing it here.U.P government started computerizing its offices.It seems that some of the employees in government offices of U.P are using it for playing video games,watching adult movies etc in the working hours.

If we go to any IT company,most of the social networking sites,adult sites and even mails like Yahoo are banned for employees.Why can't the government also follow this blocking?

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Ya thats true. The government has to take initiative regarding this. Maybe indian government can ban the adult sites for access all over india itself.
I am not surprised with this news. Any government office in India, not just UP, the work is never taken seriously and to clear a file that should take normally an hour, it takes them months to do so.

If these employees are spending time watching porno graphic movies on computers and playing games, it just shows the miserable state the entire Indian Bureaucracy is in. :angry: :angry: :angry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes i agree with kalyani! Once they got into goverment job, this what happens everywhere!

News report in NDTV
A government official in Lucknow was caught on camera slapping a junior who was trying to do his job.
And moreover, in spite of the government employees getting good salaries for not doing any work, they demand bribes for everything little work. Now the Sixth Pay commission has also been implemented.

Wish I could get a job in the government! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: But since I am in open category caste-wise, no hopes for getting such a desirable job! :( :( :(

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

May your wish be fullfilled.But what you told about govt employees is a false generalisation.There are some department that drowned in corruption.I am a govt employee and shifted from earlier department due to the accuse you made!I wish to be with clear hands and if you are crystal clear but in such departments like my previous one still you will be suspected.

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