India's BlackBerry offensive widens to Google, Skype: Report

NEW DELHI: India's showdown with BlackBerry could reportedly widen to encompass Google and Skype after the government threatened to cut off core features of the popular smartphone on security grounds.

Research In Motion, the BlackBerry's Canadian maker, gave no immediate indication that it would accede to the latest pressure from an emerging economy to open up its services to security agencies.

"If a technical solution is not provided by August 31, 2010, the government will review the position and take steps to block" BlackBerry email and messenger services, India's home ministry said Thursday.

New Delhi, battling insurgencies ranging from Kashmir in the northwest to the far-flung northeast, fears that heavily encrypted BlackBerry communications could be used by militants.

Islamic extremists used mobile and satellite phones to coordinate the 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people.
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Not a good news at all.... :( :(
if the companies don't comply with the regulations then govt is forced to take some harsh steps..
It is really bad news and some response should be given...
don't tell me,,,,,really a very bad news...............

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
It is really a very bad news.... :angry: :unsure: :ohmy: :dry: :blush: :blink: :silly: :lol: :woohoo: :S
Google is too powerful, we should develop our own search engine, why depend on US based company to search Internet?
Ha Ha well Sajeetharan very good idea.

And i think it is a little bit tuff task. Isn't it.
:dry: :blink: :blush: :woohoo:
Its a real great step by the home ministry. Our country's security is lot more important than those features. Either the google n skype take of the security issue or be banned.

Do you know the merits of google? have you used it or using it now? how can say google should be banned?
Well Sajeetharan your correct.., For each and every small information we use google search.

We cannot say that google should be banned.
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