India has long believed Pakistan to be the puppet master behind attacks on Indian assets in Afghanistan in recent years.

Among the 91,000 secret US documents released by the non-profit website Wikileaks in its `Afghan War Diary' are reports that substantiate these claims.

They confirm earlier reports that there was intelligence of attacks on the Indian embassy in Kabul on July 7, 2008 and on other Indian targets.

They also say that the Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) offered the Taliban $15,000-30,000 to kill Indian contractors in Afghanistan.
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ISI has only one mission that is to harm India and Indians by any means!!
So they are doing their job!!

Is our government doing its job?
Not at all!!

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
And How Come American Top notch Defence officials were not aware about all this??

Is America knowingly paying huge bucks to ISI (PAK) for killing Indians in Afghanistan??
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