Mumbai: At least five people were injured when Shiv Sena activists on Friday night attacked the office of Marathi news channel, Zee 24 Taas, in Kolhapur. When the incident occurred, some office bearers of pro-Kannada organisation, Kannad Seema Rakshan
Vedike, were present there for a live talk show.

The injured have been identified as Sayyad Mansur, Rajan Bhosale, Shrishail Talukar ofSeem Rakshan Vedike, channel reporter Deepak Shinde and cameraman Mithun Rajadhyaksha. Talukar sustained serious injuries and was rushed to the hospital. The activists blackened Talukar’s face before taking him out of the office and beating him up.

Around 9.45pm, Sena MLA Rajesh Kshirsagar and 50 party activists attacked the office while the talk show, Dhagadhagta Seemavad, was being aired. The Vedike members were taking part in it. Besides vandalising office property, they also damaged some vehicles parked in front of the office which is situated near the central bus stand. The entire drama lasted for about 15 minutes. However, the police reached the spot half an hour later.
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Shiva Sena is a fascist, racialist, communal and regional outfit. We can expect nothing better. The Government have failed in checking such organizations.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

this is ridiculous...Why always shiv-sena take law and order in thier hand.......such activities will not increase their vote bank....on opposite it will decrease..
Vijay- There is a sort of vote bank that supports Shiva Sena. There is a section of communal minded castist and undemocratic voters. Such section supports shiva Sena more after such events.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

shiv sena vandalism has increased . they have taken law and order for granted.
Shiv sena should change it attitude or else they wont be encourged anymore...
Lots of news from Shiv Sena comes only for arrogant activities, its their nature.
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