Telapravir promises to be the new drug to fight the dreaded disease hepatitis C virus.Its maker announced in May this year that the new drug is likely to hit the market after completing the final stages of trial which are producing very encouraging results.Let us hope it comes soon.
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You know it's not just Hepatitis C virus alone! Those of us who have received FFP, cryo, blood, or Factor VIII anytime before 1986 run the risk of having:

1.Hepatitis C
2.Hepatitis D
3.Hepatitis G
5.HIV 1
6.HIV 2
7. HTLV 1
8.(Dormant) Herpes Virus 1 to 8
9. Ebstein Barr Virus
....and a whole lot of other stuff that don't show their faces till the body's immunity falls on its own or they have destroyed it over a period!
Thanks for elaborating it with more quality information!
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