14 years ago
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14 years ago
You know it's not just Hepatitis C virus alone! Those of us who have received FFP, cryo, blood, or Factor VIII anytime before 1986 run the risk of having:
1.Hepatitis C
2.Hepatitis D
3.Hepatitis G
5.HIV 1
6.HIV 2
7. HTLV 1
8.(Dormant) Herpes Virus 1 to 8
9. Ebstein Barr Virus
....and a whole lot of other stuff that don't show their faces till the body's immunity falls on its own or they have destroyed it over a period!
1.Hepatitis C
2.Hepatitis D
3.Hepatitis G
5.HIV 1
6.HIV 2
7. HTLV 1
8.(Dormant) Herpes Virus 1 to 8
9. Ebstein Barr Virus
....and a whole lot of other stuff that don't show their faces till the body's immunity falls on its own or they have destroyed it over a period!
14 years ago
Thanks for elaborating it with more quality information!
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