Ever since Kolkata Metro came into transport scene of this city the Metro authorities are up against a very peculiar problems.The people committing suicide are drawn to it.The number is a mind-boggling one and the authorities are helpless.
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The only kind of accident I have heard of Kolkata Metro was probably due to power failure during floods. A train got stuck for sometime near Park Street for couple of minutes or so. I am not sure about this but I think it happened.
Such suicide attempt was also reported in Delhi metro. Many years ago, many used to jump from Kutub Minar of Delhi. Suicide is a social problem caused by frustration of ambitions in employment, love or other matters. It is difficult to predict the suicidal bent of mind of a person getting in metro train. Indeed the authorities are helpless. The authorities can do nothing except to strengthen security. But this has limitation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes it is part of a very big sociological problem.The Metro authorities tried several things including music therapy but with no results.
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