It's another scandal rocking the highest portals of power in the Railways.The public perception of Indian Railways is that it rotten at all levels.Now this gentleman Mr. S.M.Sharma has disgraced himself thoroughly by running a racket in which he entrusted the job of leaking the question paper to his son.
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The 'money culture' is haunting all. Now neither status, nor rank, nor moral considerations work. Getting more and more money any way is the criterion. This is very sad state of affairs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is the man whom the Railway Minister chose to cleanse the system in the Railways.Even a street beggar would have behaved more honorably.We need to hang these people by the lamp-post!!!
Immediate severe sentencing is the method of punishment if the fault is proved. Our penal code is not at all good for cases like this.

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